As a Black woman aspiring to be a professional journalist, I was truly inspired by the wisdom and advice that Robin Turner shared with our journalism practicum class. Ms. Turner’s commitment to training aspiring journalists was evidently clear as she expressed the importance of going after what you believe in and never allowing anyone else to determine the fate of your career. Ms. Turner emphasized the importance of always finding teachable moments as a student and an intern. She said that you should be open to learning from any and everyone.
After reflecting on Robin Turner’s words, I was motivated by the experience she shared regarding a somewhat uncomfortable conversation that she had with the hire manager of a company she was applying to. After applying for a job that she knew she was more than qualified to do, Ms. Turner just knew that she had crushed the interview. However, the manager told her that he had hired a few Black people in the past and it just hadn’t worked out for the best. Instead of being discouraged and taking this response as a rejection, Robin Turner asked the hiring manager, “Well… how many white people have you hired, and it hadn’t worked out?” This response let me know that Ms. Turner knew her worth and was not willing to take no for an answer. She was determined and was not going to allow someone to put her in a box or rip an opportunity away from her based on the color of her skin. Ms. Turner shared that although their original interaction may not have been ideal, after securing this job, this supervisor became one of her greatest teachers.
As a current intern with CBS News, I have been fortunate enough to sit in on some of the political unit morning pitch meetings. During these meetings, I have been able to listen and learn from some of the most successful political reporters and producers. After speaking with my supervisor, I was told that if I ever have any story ideas, I should feel free to pitch them during the meeting. However, I have been a bit nervous by the idea itself.
After listening to Ms. Robin Turner discuss how to go about pitching a story idea, I feel motivated and a bit more at ease about it. I now understand that this is not an opportunity that I should rush. She expressed the importance of truly understanding the mission of the publication or newsroom that I am employed by. This discussion aligned with everything that I am experiencing right now as an intern and inspired me to set the goal of setting up a meeting with a political embed to learn a few tips about their story pitching process.
Ms. Turner made me realize that as an intern and a student, there is never a task that is too small. While it is important to always be on the lookout for further opportunities, it is equally as important to successfully complete the small assignments that I have been given. I was highly motivated by Robin Turner, and I will take the advice that she gave to our class throughout my career.